37% of Alberta’s parks could be removed from the parks system.

The Alberta government is planning to close 20 parks and remove 164 from the Alberta Parks system. A total of 175 parks could lose protection and Albertans could lose access.

These are the sites in Central Alberta:

Map of parks changes in Central Alberta

164 parks
in Alberta could have their protected area status removed

This opens the door for uses that are not currently permitted or are more heavily regulated within our parks.

20 parks
will be partially or
completely closed

Ten sites are slated for full closure where the “entire site will be closed to public access.

4,493 campsites
could no longer be available

Nearly 1/3 of all campsites in Alberta will be removed from the Parks system, including 1,397 in Kananaskis.

7 out of 10
Albertans oppose these changes

A  public opinion survey shows that almost 7 in 10 Albertans oppose the closure or removal of these parks.

Tell your MLA that you oppose these changes

Send your MLA a message

Send a letter online to tell your MLA that Alberta Parks are important to you and should not be removed.

These changes will impact 74% of all provincial recreation areas. While this may be a relatively small land base, they are the most accessible areas for Albertans across the province to access parks and experience our public protected areas.

This is a backwards step for our province.

Graph of park closures

We’ll lose recreation opportunities

With fewer camping sites and recreation areas, these changes will make it more difficult for Albertans and visitors to safely and responsiby enjoy the parks.

A decision without public input

Albertans were not consulted about these changes, and there was no information on how parks were selected to be removed from the system.

No evidence of cost savings

Alberta’s parks and campgrounds are busier than ever, and there is no evidence that removing parks will save the province any money.

Internal documents suggest that private partnerships would need to be subsidized, which could end up costing the government money.

Help us defend Alberta’s parks

Join tens of thousands of Albertans that have already spoken up against these changes.

These changes are not yet final

The Alberta government has not yet finalized the closures and removals of these parks, but a decision is expected at any time.

Any change will be difficult to reverse

If these parks are removed from the Alberta Parks system, it will be almost impossibleto reverse. Now’s the time to defend parks for all Albertans.

Tell your MLA that you oppose these changes

Send your MLA a message

Send a letter online to tell your MLA that Alberta Parks are important to you and should not be removed.

Other ways to help

The best way to defend Alberta’s parks is to tell your MLA that you don’t support these changes.

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